Thursday, March 15, 2012

Love Never Dies

Sierra and Ramin, London Originals
I'm rediscovering this musical right now.  It is so incredibly epic!  For those of you who don't know, Love Never Dies is the sequel to The Phantom of the Opera, one my all-time favorite musicals.  Some very nice person posted the Australia version on YouTube (I guess this is the version that they're selling), and I'm in phantom heaven now.  

I was initially worried that I wouldn't like the Erik and Christine (Ben Lewis and Anna O Byrne) in this version because I love Sierra and Ramin so much, but I am sold.  I totally want to buy it.  Their chemistry is amazing.  Here's my favorite song from the show- Beneath a Moonless Sky.  Isn't their sexy, dangerous chemistry amazing?  Plus, I think she's just beautiful.  And he....omigosh.

Anna and Ben

I actually saw the show myself this past summer in London (2011) and loved it.  I figured I would never see it, so I had already read up the synopsis online, so I knew what was coming (I won't ruin it for any of you who don't know!), but I still loved it.  I actually loved it so much more than I thought I would.  The music of course is beautiful, haunting, and raw.  It is such a lavish show.  And there is plenty of Erik/Christine to make me blush and sigh. :3  It's such a shame that the show didn't do well. I know it closed in London.  Thank goodness Australia loved it!  It's too much of a great show to not be performing.  I hope they bring it to America sometime soon!

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